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TSE Institute
THE STRATEGY EXPERT® Institute (TSEI) is comprised of highly skilled Subject Matter Experts who have written books, lectured at the college level, and/or consulted in their areas of expertise. They have practical, application-based knowledge and experience in areas to provide needed skills to your team members.
Manage MBA: TSE has designed a 2-day management training course called Manage MBA that can be custom-designed for any organization. The MBA stands for Management Behavioral Approach. Most managers and supervisors in organizations can schedule team members, close-out the reporting period, write reports, and marginally handle issues with employees and customers. But that is not enough in today's environment. Manage MBA teaches managers practical, application-based techniques to immediately implement in the work environment. Click here to learn more.
Lunch and Learns: TSE has designed short learning sessions that help organizations grow to the next level. These Lunch and Learns are sometimes held in our strategy war room in Tempe, Arizona but may also be held at your location as well. Click here to learn more about the topics and how you can stay informed of future events.
Strategic Relationships: The failure rate of strategic alliances and joint ventures varies from 70% to 82% based upon statistics from multiple sources. These figures have not changed dramatically over the past decade or more. Structuring and Managing Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances is a two-day program to help business development teams better structure their strategic relationships. This program has been presented to participants in various industries (entertainment, pharmaceuticals, luxury goods, newspapers, mining, ports, developers, etc.,) in the US, Singapore, Malaysia, China, Thailand and India. Click here to learn more about Structuring and Managing Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances.
Strategic Training for Board Members and Executive Teams: Executives spend much of their time consumed in daily operational issues and rarely have the time to enhance their strategic mindset and planning skills. This highly-interactive one-day training session is customized for each client and includes how to develop a strategic plan; how to implement the plan and how to monitor progress. Click here to learn more about this one day training session that DOES NOT include goal setting - a common mistake among executives.
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Toll Free 1.855.607.8728