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Sales Leadership

Sales is the lifeblood of most companies. Generating and enhancing revenue is a daily strategy that is implemented every day, hour, minute and second in many companies. Starting with the sales leadership team, TSE ensures the sales function is aligned with the overall strategy of the company. Our sales leadership strategist starts at the top to make sure the right sales efforts are developed and then works with each sales / account executive, one-on-one, to make sure each individual understands the strategy and has the skills required to increase sales. In fact, over the past few decades, he has increased sales by at least 50% over a 12-month period and 100% over a two-year period. 

    Sales Leader Mentoring: A one-day needs analysis is completed on the entire sales department. Then a half-day one-on-one session is conducted with the top sales executive, followed by sessions with each manager, sales person and other key members.

     Sales Manager Mentoring: A needs analysis typically identifies over 25 areas within the sales function that need improvement. One-on-one mentoring sessions are scheduled to enhance each area.

     Sales Team Development: Based upon the specific strengths and weaknesses uncovered during an assessment, training and education sessions are conducted with each member of the sales team.  

     Sales Revenue Growth: Based upon the initial needs analysis, a customized approach is developed to grow revenue for the organization.