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Information and Business Transformation

Growing companies must strategically integrate new technology in order to be more efficient, keep up with the competition and customer demands. Technology projects, both hardware and software, rarely are completed on-time and on-budget. Our IT and business transformation team is lead by a unique individual who speaks two languages - strategy and operations. She is able to fluidly navigate between the C-suite and various operational and functional levels, speaking the language of both teams as she helps integrate new technologies, leads projects and helps facilitates all of the organization through the new changes.  

            Fractional CIO: A fractional Chief Information Officer helps lead the company vision through the development of an IT Roadmap and the ongoing implementation of IT throughout the organization. Working directly with the leadership team, the fractional CIO serves as the conduit between the operational and functional areas of the organization and the leadership team, helping to implement IT initiatives throughout the client organization. 

          IT Assessment: In order to improve the overall efficiency and delivery of services to both internal and external customers, a complete assessment of an organization’s information technology is completed. This includes a thorough review of the client’s environment and technology systems. This often results in suggested methods to boost efficiency, productivity and profitability.   

            IT Transformation: Based upon the results of an IT Assessment, an operational plan (that is aligned with the strategic plan) is created. Specific action plans related to the modernization of IT, including network architecture, hardware, software, IT management service and how data is stored and accessed, are implemented throughout the client organization.      

          Technology Readiness AssessmentMost products and processes are a mix of old and new technologies. When involved in New Product/Process Design activities, the most recent technologies represent the greatest risk for shortfalls in product/process performance. Resources spent on assessing the new technologies embodied in a new design can dramatically reduce the risk of early failure and the associated impacts on finances and reputation plus give a more successful and sustained launch. The TRA is a formal metrics-based process that assesses the maturity of various technologies being utilized today and will need to be utilized throughout client organizations.